We are seeking work, training and contacts in the areas of Modelling and Acting. If you have work, help, or advice to offer, please make contact;
Vote For Your Fweind Nancy Boo!
Our banner was made by Dina Madeira - http://www.myspace.com/childactormodelalex
Nancy Boo loves music by Fimbles, Fifi, nursery rhymes, stuff from Mickey cartoons, Kylie, Al Bowley, Stevie Wonder - circa 70s, Elvis, Janis, REM, Winnie the Pooh, and anything at all really - she loves music!
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
Nancy Boo loves film. Her favorites are 101 Dalmations, Wizard of Oz, Homeward Bound 1 and 2, Happy Feet - anything with animals at the moment.
Nancy Boo we love you!
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Favorite TV Shows: Fifi, Fimbles, In The Night Garden, Doodle Do and Doodle Bops.
Favorite Books: Encyclopedia of Animals, Dictionary in pictures, Billy Goats Gruff, Pocoyo series, Fifi series, Fimbles series, Ladybird early readers series, anything really, she loves to read and has the largest amount of books you've ever seen for one so young!
Heroes: Kylie, family, ballet teachers, Pirates and dancers.
All photographs and the video in the 'films' section were taken by/was made by Linda Pelling - www.letmeshootyou.co.uk