Looking up colors on Wikipedia, successfully impersonating the Saw voice, giggiling obnoxiously.
Andrew McMahon
Something Corporate, Brand New, Jack's Mannequin, Say Anything, The Audition, Sublime, Treaty of Paris, Ying Yang Twins, Spice Girls, 50 cent, Eminem, Taking back sunday. Aaron Carter
300, SuperBad, Transformers, Titanic, Marie Antionette, The Day After Tomorrow, Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor...
You could always subscribe to a site like Perfect Ten. I mean that could be anything, it could be a bowling site.
House, Big Brother 8, Prison Break
This is probably what you mean: that the river is everywhere at once-at its source, at its mouth, by the waterfall, by the ferry crossing, in the rapids, in the sea, in the mountains-everywhere at the same time. And that for it there is only the present, not the shadow called the future.
It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. On a long time line, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero.
Sidhartha, Go Ask Alice, Hearts In Atlantis, Harry Potters, Invisible Monsters, Series of Unfortunate Events, Lullaby, Choke, Fight Club. Guess what Danilo? I READ THESE DAYS :O