My name is Marc.
I started out as what some people might call, a 'baby'. Mostly walking around on my hands and knees, eating small plastic soldiers and gravel, and shitting myself regularly. I like to think I've come a long way since then.
I produced a band for the first time around January 2009. Since then I've built up a small professional studio, recorded countless bands, developed myself probably faster than I could of hoped for and met/worked with some very talented people. I'm currently managed by Virgin Records/Stimulus Management as part of Recordio. And I've surrounded myself with people who make me want to make new exciting music, good times!
I love huge pop songs, irritatingly infectious choruses and face melting rock by day. But on weekends I get off on uber-minimal pop, hip-hop, electro, dance, grime and experimental music. I grew up on a steady parental diet of ridiculously cheesy 70's/80's pop and heavy metal. Which may account for my warped perception of the musical world. My favourite band is The Beatles, my very earliest memory is dancing around my living room to Back in the USSR like a small twat.
I go to University in Caerleon, Newport studying Creative Sound and Music.
I've been in bands since I can remember. Which has enabled me to see every shit town in the UK, more than twice. But without a doubt I've learned more about music, myself, and most of all, other people, than anything else I've ever done in my life.
I love reading anything I can set my eyes on, spending money on shit I don't need but want oh sooo badly, 'socialising', Chinese food and short walks on the beach.
I hate cricket, I mean, I really really hate cricket, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Lost (for ruining my life), eBay (same reason) and rain sucks too.