I was a small town boy that grew into his moderate sized town life. I had to learn a few lessons in my life to adjust to the outside world. When I was young I was very hyper. My parents put me in gymnastics when i was three years old because I had too much energy. Thats when i became gangsta. When you are a young kid in gymnastics you have an advantage over everyone on the monkey bars. I got all the girls and put moves on fools which made them shit in their diapers. Then I had to grow up. My parents got divorced and puberty set in. Back pimples. The girls stopped calling. Lets face it I was a falling star. The light shinning on my path was looking very dim. I got into the hooch and the dope and my life spiralled downwards. I was nippin and puffin for years until... the funniest thing happened. I graduated from high school and became the most elligable bachelor in Fort Collins Colorado.
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