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Clan Chattan

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About Me

Clan Chattan is one of the oldest Highland clans; however its history is quite complex and almost has to be told in two separate parts, as you cannot discuss the Clan Chattan history without also discussing the history of the Clan MacKintosh.Clan Chattan means the clan of the cats. The Clan Chattan is believed to have descended from Gillichattan Mor, who was "Servant of St. Chattan" and had the galley coat-of-arms. Clan Chattan was founded in Lochaber at the close of the thirteenth century. The Clan consisted of various families or septs, bearing diverse names, who had banded themselves together under one chief for mutual protection.Eva was descended from Gillichattan Mor and her father was Gilpatric, or Dougal Dall, sixth in line from Gillichattan Mor. In 1291 Eva married Angus Mackintosh, sixth chief Mackintosh.In 1291 the Chattan chief gave to Angus Mackintosh, with his daughter Eva, the chiefship of Clan Chattan and the lands of Glenloy and Loch Arkaig. The chieftanship of Clan Chattan was regarded as a hereditary honor, and the son-in-law became Chief in right of his wife, just as the husband of a Scottish countess became earl in her right.On the death of Dougal, Angus Mackintosh succeeded to the lands and chiefship of Clan Chattan, with the approval of the entire clan, and lived at Torcastle. Angus was the seventh Chief of Clan Chattan and sixth Chief of Mackintosh.Clan Mackintosh's earliest authentic ancestry is traced to Shaw MacDuff, son of the third Earl of Fife, who was of the Royal Family. MacDuff took the name of Mackintosh "Mac-an-Toisich" which means son of the Chief or Thane. In 1163 he came to the north to suppress a rebellion. As a reward for his services, he was made keeper of the Royal Castle of Inverness. Shaw Mackintosh, the first Chief of the Clan, died in 1179.Captain Farquharson of Invercauld writes: "Greetings to the Clan Chattan Association from Clan Farquharson and many congratulations on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. We are bound by ancestral ties of kinship and members all of a large and diverse family long since scattered throughout the wide world. No longer are we driven to join forces as of yore by the necessity of seeking common protection against our enemies. Instead we now come together with the outstretched hand of friendship, conscious of our heritage, and with determination to carry forward our proud Banners toward a better future. If our Clan Chattan motto should seem to others to boast an overweening feline fury, may it ever be seen none the less to stand in defence of those traditions and qualities of character most worthy of our past.Myspace Layouts
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Any members of the following Clan's:Clan Mackintosh Clan MacPherson Clan ShawClan MacBeanMacleans of DochgarrochClan FarquharsonClan PhailClan DavidsonClan MacGillivrayClan MacQueenClan MacThomasMacleans of Dochgarroch,MacIntyre, Badenoch //Adamson Ayson Aysons of N.Z. Clark Clarke Clarkson Clerk Crerar Dallas Elder Esson Glen Glennie Gollan Heggie Hardie Hardy MacAndrew MacAy MacCardney MacClerich MacChlery MacConchy MacGlashan MacHardie MacHardy Machay MacKeggie MacKillican MacLerie MacRitchie Niven Noble Ritchie Shaw Tarrill Tosh Toshach //Cattanach Clark Clarke Clarkson Clerk Clunney Currie Fersen Gillespie Gillies Gow Keith Lees MacChlerich MacChlery MacCurrach MacGowan MacKeith MacLeish Maclerie MacLise MacMurdo MacMurdoch MacMurrich MacVurrich Murdoch Murdoson//Ayson (N.Z.) Adamson Esson MacAy MacHay Shiach Shreach Sheath Seith Seth Skaith Scaith Shay//Bain Bean MacBean McBain MacBain McBeath MacBeth Macilvian MacVean//Macleans of DochgarrochSmith Gows Clarks//Coutts Farquhar Findlay Findlayson Finlay Finlayson Grevsach Hardie Hardy Leys Lyon MacCaig MacCardney MacEaracher MacFarquhar MacGruaig MacHardie MacKerchar MacKerracher MacKinlay Reoch Riach//McPhail MacPhail McFail McPhaul McFaul Fail Fall McPaul//Davie Davis Dawson Dow MacDade MacDaid MacDavid Kay//Gilroy MacGillivoor MacGilroy MacGilvra MacGilvray Macilroy Macilvrae//// Clan MacQueen(No Badge)MacCunn MacSwan MacSween MacSwen MacSwyde Swan//Combe Combie McColm McComas McComb McCombie McComie McComish Macomie Macomish MacThomas Tam Thom Thomas Thoms Thomson//Macleans of Dochgarroch, MacIntyre, Badenoch, Andersons or MacAndrew

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