You can subscribe to the blog where you'll find a weekly post of environmental ideas, health suggestions, charity organizations and much more. There will even be an open Q and A where a reader can e mail questions or suggestions and they will be posted in the blog to share with everyone. Please get the word out since this site is new and will be under constant construction as everything changes ultimately in the end. All I am is a working class nobody ( yes, Iwork for a living like 9/10's of america ) slaving away for my part of the american dream that seems more and more distant the older I get. I believe that together we can all make a difference not only in our own lives and each others lives but we can truly make a difference in our communities, country and our world.
Will you help this second class citizen in achieving his dream of making this a better place for ourselves and our children? Thank you and remember, it's up to all of us to take charge of our destinies!!!