Background from Yahoo search result ..I am 35 I have never been married and I don't have any children. I work in the social services field and I just received a promotion. I plan to go back to school to finish a nursing degree I started a couple of years ago. I volunteer in various areas around my community, I teach Sunday school every other Sunday and I am on the Mission and Peace committee at church. I consider myself to be an ordinary American woman.As a child my favorite times were spending the evenings with my family. After saying my prayers I went to bed and my parents made a big production of tucking me tightly in bed and giving me tons of kisses. I still love the feeling of being 'tucked' into bed.I am working on being less judgemental of my self and others. I am learning to live in the moment and appreciate what I have by giving to others.I am 35 but I am still learning to be the woman God intended me to be and I have many people to thank for being patient, loving and kind as they watch me grow.Thank you to my friends that love me as I am today!
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