495043116 are a Christian rock band from southern Manitoba started in late 2007 with Trenton Klassen who played guitar, sang, and wrote all the songs, Jay Day on drums, and Isaac Bueckert as recording engineer. Later Paul Bergen joined on bass, and most recently Daniel Friesen on guitar. We also hired Chris Barkman for the art work.Our only goal as a band is to bring glory to our deserving saviour Jesus Christ by preaching the gospel (which is the power of God unto salvation) and by making music that is biblical and even some that is just fun. We all love Jesus Christ and music so it was only fitting to combine the two.If you are reading this and you are not a Christian we would like you to consider the following:God is real and He created everything seen and unseen. He always was and always will be. He did not need to create us nor does He need anything from us. He is perfect in every way and He has a standard of obedience that He requires of us.Since the beginning we have all been breaking His standard or "laws" (sin). The first man and woman were given everything that they would need to have perfect fellowship with God Himself and even they disobeyed God. We are all cursed under him now (the Adamic nature) and when we die we will have to explain ourselves to God. WHAT CAN WE DO? Nothing. We cannot please God, He will not be bribed.Don't think that you are that bad? Well, let's use God's standard, the ten commandments. Have you ever told a lie? If I told a lie you would call me a liar. Have you ever stolen anything? If I stole from you, you would call me a thief. Have you ever wanted something that isn't yours? That is called coveting. Have you ever hated someone? The bible says that if you hate someone you are a murderer at heart. Have you ever wanted someone sexually that you are not married to? The bible says that is as bad as adultery. Have you ever used God's name casually, or as a curse word? The bible calls that blasphemy, and God says He will not count someone blameless that takes His name in vain. How are you doing? Are you a liar, thief, coveter, murderer at heart, adulterer at heart, blasphemer? God would see you as guilty and would end up in hell. But that is not God's will. HE GIVES YOU THE FREEDOM TO CHOSE, and He made a way for you to be forgiven.Jesus Christ is God Himself that took upon flesh, like our hand fills a glove, in order to live a perfect and sinless life in thought, word and deed so that He would become the acceptable sin offering to God. We broke God's laws, Jesus paid our fine in His life's blood. He was beatten, spat on, His beard pulled out, whipped to the point of death, and to top it all off, He was nailed to a tree and left to die. But this sacrifice was acceptable to God and satisfied justice and the proof is that He was raised on the third day.We must therefore repent (apologise to God, agree that we have sinned and are sinners by nature, forsake our sinful nature by turning away from doing sinful things) and trust that Jesus paid our fine and will raise us as well into everlasting life instead of everlasting death in hell. If we do that God will put in us a new heart, with new DESIRES, and forgive us of our sins not because we are good, but because we are bad and have been forgiven by a good God.
Please think about these things today. It is the most important thing you can think about, because you never know when you are going to die.
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