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About Me

MySpace Countdown
Beware, you are entering *BARF ZONE*
I am realizing that the moment that I am living in right now is one of the most exciting times of my life. This is the time where I am figuring myself out, what I want, and who I want to spend this time with. I am blessed to have all of the wonderful people in my life who dedicate so much time, patience...and money (yes, you know who you are!).
Sometimes I'm not sure why some people put up with me and my antics! (Jenn this means you!)
I am ecstatic and so thankful to have found Matthew. I am better when he is around and could not ask for a better person to share everything with. There are so many corny things I could attempt to poetically describe on here, but for the sake of nausea let's put it simply: God is the only one who could have known to match us together. There's no way that our relationship came about by chance or mistake. How lucky we are to have the privilege of meeting so early in life.
And I have finally figured out a plan for what (I think) I want to do with my life (well, the career part of it)- it's pretty exciting because I've been beating myself up about it for over 2 years..and now....I have made a decision! Do you want to know what it is? Hold onto your kids while you can, because I am going to be a Kindergarten Teacher!
So, that's it for now. I thought it was time that I updated my friends in cyberspace on what the "haps" in my life are about. Thanks for reading!

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9

My Interests

You are required to watch this if you are a Kings of Convenience fan!


Currently in rotation= Aviation Museum


I thought P.S. I Love You looked stupid, and then I watched it! Holy crap! I cried 5 times! It's a really good movie.


The Food Network, Bravo, MTV, VH-1. Yes, I know. My life is pathetic because I watch The Hills. This is something I have come to grips with! I am also finally going to publicly admit that I absolutely love Real Housewives of Orange County. Alright jeez you got it out of me!


Francine Rivers' books (these are the ones I've read so far): -Redeeming Love
-Mark of The Lion series
-The Atonement Child

I'm also reading the Redemption series co-authored by Karen Kingsbury and Gary Smalley.


Matt for working two jobs to save money for us!