I play piano and keyboards since 1985, but I've learned it "by doing", without a teacher. Maybe you can hear it ...
For a lot of years I've played in a great rockband in Essen/Germany: We composed some beautiful songs, played them in a basement of a car shop - and wonder why we didn't have any fans and women. Maybe we should have gone out of our rehearsal room and had some gigs.
So we were a band without name!
3 years ago I began to play and compose songs on piano and my computer. You can hear the result.
So please comment my songs - so that I have the feeling: Someone likes it, others take it to fall asleep.
I'm glad about every comment to my music and add with pleasure every musicians, who make music, that I like!
Look at these sites, too:
History of the early modern period (16th to 18th century)