Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Ghandi, Margaret Bourke-White, Dorthea Lange, Robert Capa, Albert Einstein, Gordon Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. Carlos Santana, OutKast, Salvador Dali, Shakespeare, Pablo Picasso, Homer Simpson, Bob Marley, Johny Cash, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Tupac, Notorius BIG, Dave MAtthews, WillI.AM, Perry Farell, Dave Navaro, Beastie Boys, Michael Franti, Jimi Hendrix, Siddhartha, The Quanum Krew, and your mom. Ok I'm fuckin' around but, seriously I just wanna meet cool people who aint frontin'! Preferably chill, ambitious, passionate, talented, caring, music loving, smart and/or funny people but just being a good person is really quite enough.