neon. hip hop beef ... jonte and ramone power duo ... innovative kinesis ... kc royals ... polyvalence ... psychosomaticity ... hoarding cameras ... hoarding kisses ... genuine people who don't need to actively construct their image... nyc: '79 - '86 ... coincidences ... copping more photoassist jobs... radical activist groups of the early 70's... flamenco and madrid ... interpersonal politics ... accessing the collective wisdom of all humanity who came before us; it hovers ... funk and soul and superbad ... making party.
japanther. ghostface. SWV. the MORNING AFTER GIRLS. detroit hip hop. hella. stevie motherfucking wonder. brazillian sounds. rKELLS. ghostly int'l. gang of four. looker. mars volta. j dilla production. gilles peterson mixes. early 90's female vocalist r&b. my best fiend. the baddest (james brown). the wu. dizzy. 25 suaves. SHARON JONES. blonde redhead. prefuse. trick and the heartstrings. early rolling stones. shuggie. spoon. savath & savalas. soul and all motown. slayer. australian surf rock. catchdubs mixes. the grassy knoll. brmc. love of diagrams. wrens. lauryn. detroit cobras. did i mention ghostface? morrissey. chin chin. a gun called tension. primal scream. a place to bury strangers. slayer. chainsaw tracks.
il postino. documentaries. mockumentaries. reservoir dogs. the diving bell and the butterfly. anything christopher guest.
my so-called life.
abbie hoffman and william s. burroughs' writings. yvonne rainer autobio. the four agreements (read it. so good). the cult of pharmacology. glossy graphic magazines. women who run with wolves ... edward gorey illustration books. warrior of the light.
my big sis's (you know who you are), my little sis's (you know who you are)