Auditory Hallucination profile picture

Auditory Hallucination

About Me

We are Just A simple Band Consisting of three Mad Musicians who wanna play music for everyone.. Our humor is really out ther nd most people dont get it =]Kawana: New Zealander 17 yo 170cm tall Bassist Like long walks on the beach...Jesse: Australian 17 yo Tall (lol) Guitarist Likes Pena coladas and getting court in the rain his not much into yoga but has half a brain (ATTENTION half a brain part not official confirmed)...Ben: Australian/Croatian 17 yo Very Tall (lol) Drummer Supports a soccer team With A girls Name (chelsea) Guitar MySpace Layouts - Gibson Guitar MySpace Layouts Guitar MySpace Layouts

My Interests


Member Since: 26/01/2008
Band Members: Lead Guitar - Jesse Brown | Drums - Ben Kolega | Bass/Backup Vocalist - Kawana Harding | Lead Vocalist - ?
Influences: Many Including Chili Peppers...Rage against the Machine...Incubus...And Many More
Sounds Like: Umm Not Sure Yet Will Let Everyone Else Decide
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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