I was sceptical abOut true lOve but suddenly lOve has cOme my way and I changed my OpiniOn... There are few peOple able tO surprise yOu during a lifetime but, ladies, when yOu find the One, hOld him tight and never let him gO..
he cOuld give yOu his everything.. he'll be careful with yOur heart... trust me, it cOuld happen because God has put yOur half On earth whO will cOmplete yOu.. even if yOu shOuld crOss the Ocean Or Only have tO gO arOund the cOrner,, true lOve's achivement will wOrth the crOssing,, happiness is Out there! dOn't clOse yOur heart... dOn't get cOld if sOmeOne disappOint yOu and hurt yOu and leave yOu a scar inside.. sun will shine again.. paint a smile upOn yOur face and keep yOur faith because
God anwers Our prayers
Glittery texts by bigoo.ws..
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