Ello, my name is Toad. Well....it aint my real name, but I'm not tellin you my real name. I dont like it. So yeah....about me....I'm a mutant for one, so if ya dont like us muties, then GET OUT. I got lots of abilities, not just jumpin and a long tongue, just so ya know. I am the most deadic...deddicated...gah i cant spell it. I am the most loyal member of the group. lets just stick with that. and yeah...I dont really know what else ta say...send me a bloody friend request if you can handle us muties. ;)
((The Toad's intellect and physical abilities have gone through some changes over the years. In the character's inception, he had enhanced physical strength (superhuman leaping ablity), superhuman agility, and moderate intelligence.Toad's main power is his ability to leap great distances. He has a vertical leap of over twenty-four feet and a horizontal jump of approximately thirty-six feet. In his first appearances, Toad had very little knowledge of hand to hand combat, fighting mainly by kicking wildly and by leaping about and attempting to land on his opponents (as Toad once weighed over 250 lbs, this could be quite harmful). Recently, Mortimer has demonstrated a better sense of combat and a slimmer physique, using both his leaping ability and his long, prehensile tongue to his advantage.The Toad's intellect has increased and he has vast technological and scientific knowledge, which he gained as a lackey to geniuses such as Magneto and by studying technology while in the captivity of the alien Stranger. He has demonstrated the ability to apply this sophisticated knowledge, but lacks the creativity to make progress beyond his existing knowledge - for example, while he could build a powerful exoskeletal armor, he would be unable to improve on its base design.The Toad's strength has increased slightly over the years. It has been written that he is able to lift one ton with his arms and press three tons with his legs. Toad also has a very flexible spine, allowing him to remain in a crouching position comfortably for hours, though he can stand if he wishes. He also has gained the ability to extend his tongue great distances and ensnare objects and people. He is also able to spit a caustic phlegmatic substance. These last two abilities were invented in the movie, but the comic writers liked the traits so much they decided to write them into the character in the comics as well, when he was enhanced by the Stranger's equipment. Recently, Toad has always been depicted wearing goggles; whether this is indicative of further mutation or just an art choice across the board is unknown.The Toad once possessed the ability to psionically communicate with most amphibian life and expel powerful gusts of wind from his lungs. He has not demonstrated these powers in recent appearances, and as he first manifested them during a period of genetic instability, these powers may have dissipated.As a result of not bathing and the fact that his skin secretes unusual chemicals, the Toad usually has an offensive odor. The Toad also has a neurological chemical imbalance, which explains his drastic changes in personality. It has been shown in some scenes from the future that he will gain the power to crawl on walls not unlike Spider-Man (another power gleaned from the X-Men film).))