My GiRL, My aRT, MuSiC, MoVieS
dead girl there will never be another one that dreams like you dead girl there will never be another one that screams like you when death sleeps, it dreams of you delilah played the dead girl at the freak show she smiles like a ghost like zombies eatin dust in mexico when death sleeps, it dreams of you she asked if it would hurt i smiled and said no the lie ran down my chin like embryo she smiles like corpse like zombies eatin dust in omaha when death sleeps, it dreams of you when death sleeps, it dreams of you dead girl there will never be another one to look in your eyes dead girl there will never be another one that bleeds like you i been drying in a dead age i been reeking of the new plague the sound of the ocean is dead its just the echo of the blood in your head sister, burn the temple and stand beneath the moon the sound of the ocean is dead its just the echo of the blood in your head the sound of the ocean is dead its just the echo of the blood in your head
dax riggs , agents of oblivion , acid bath ,deadboy & the Elephantmen , T daks and his white plastic soul, a VeRy WiDe RaNGe ReaLLy, {iT MiGHT NoT SeeM LiKe iT} BuT NaMe iT i probably listen to it
CHRiSTiNe, TRue RoMaNCe,THe NiGHTMaRe BeFoRe CHRiSTMaS, THe eLePHaNT MaN , THe ouTSiDeRS , a CLoCKWoRK oRaNGe , THe uNDeRTaKeR aND HiS PaLS , BuBBa Ho -TeP , eViL DeaD , {aNyTHiNG WiTH BRuCe CaMPBeLL.} FaSTeR PuSSyCaT,KiLL!KiLL! RuSS MeyeR
DeXTeR. PeRioD.
MiKe MiGNoLa , eRiC PoWeLL , DaNieL BReReToN
dax riggs, iN aLL HoNeSTy My GiRL CHRiSTiNe, SHiRLey MaNSoN, BRuCe CaMPBeLL, aMiNa MuNSTeR,TauRa SaTaNa, JaCK NiCHoLSoN, BeTTie PaGe, THe HaMMeR ..... MaRLoN BRaNDo, JoHNNy CaSH,eVeL, MoST aRe aLReaDy GoNe