crap. i jacked it aalll up
"We may never be able to change the world by ourselves, or even in a day. But that should never stop us from doing the little things in hope that they will help people understand the bigger picture. And by people, I mean us. The little things are the catalysts of the world, the viral marketing for idealists everywhere. And whether or not this is going to make a significant difference does not matter at this moment. Because the only thing that should matter is our intention to at least try and make change, even if it's the smallest act."
Yea.... I'm Katie...simply put.
I am 20 years old and I'm just wrapping up the most exciting chapter of my life thus far... but the best is yet to come my friends! Getting ready to start my Junior year as an RA at Biola University.
[yup, that's Bible Institute of Los Angeles]
I'm so totally stoked to see what my path will look like!
I love God, He is a big part of my life, you should know, and with out Him, i would be nothing!
I miss all of the crazy, fun, hyper & amazing times that I have with my friends in Alta Loma...
But @ the same time am LOVING the times with my friends here =]
I hate parking lots.
I take a long time to do anything.
so have patience with me.
Please don't ever answer a question with "you don't want to know".
if that was the case, the question would not have been asked in the first place
I L-O-V-E ice cream!!!
sooo much!
I've come to find that it really is a small world after all
I'm loud when in public.
Ask my friends.
or go out in public with me.
i'm artsy- but not fartsy...
i really love to go swimming.
in the pool and the ocean.
I'm basically a fish.
i LOVE to sleep
pictures are my favorite thing to have
i can't be on time for anything.
Padoodle-doo days are the best cuz "we are, like, best friends!"
In Loving Memory of Andrea Jean Hartman
July 20, 1988- May 28, 2006
By the way,It's all for the GEE! (South Africa '05')