AboutChristianMusic was launched nearly one year ago now, to give a voice to voices within the Christian Arts scene that would not normally be heard, or heard at a decent volume. We were (and still are) keen that these voices come from many different perspectives -- from mainstream to the 'uber-niche'. We would love that each opinion, thought and argument offered produces responses and reactions -- so that everyone can understand, appreciate and perhaps even celebrate the myriad places we all come from. AboutChristianMusic is intended to be an online 'forum' -- and a safe space -- to discuss the topic of 'What is Christian Music', 'What is it to be a Christian Artist', 'How do (or should) we as Christian Artists relate to (what we sometimes see as) the big bad scary 'Secular' world outside'? We didn't want it to be just another message board, unorganised, expressing often 'knee-jerk', unconsidered responses and difficult to navigate through. As Editors, certainly we enjoy expressing our own views alongside the views of our contemporaries, but we also 'opened the door' to the wider Christian community and invited them similarly to share their own stories, ideas... and opinions (whatever they may be) on music, art, faith and culture. We have been encouraged to see that the site has also been viewed and enjoyed by those outside a church background -- it is our hope that no jargon or exclusivity of language produces walls that don't need to be there. We hope you enjoy this current round of updates, we hope it makes you think and we hope you feel stirred to talk and write. And importantly, to both listen to others and to raise your own voice. Here's hoping to be editing many of your thoughts in the coming months.Mark Tulk