Gabe profile picture


tHis OnE's miNE...

About Me

Background By Every thing your momma warned you about... Leaving the SoCal life for a little Seattle Livin'. heading up Oct. 16th to test some software for the company then back in November. hoping to make the move by the first of the year. Get little Ellery settled up in a more quiet area, keep her out of trouble when she gets older.

My Interests

Dirtbikes, Snowboarding----INK, Music, Old Guitars, Sick Bikes&Whips, CaLI Trips, Trucks, WEeKenDS wE MeeT, Money to blow, New Toys, Old NOise, Ah tHE Beaches, CoOl wAvES, AfterHour, My ShaDEs,__LocAl ShoWs, My REal BroS, Oaktown jUSt weekendS though, ThE tRIps oN thE RoaD___, OrANge CoUNty,Warm NighTs, Ocean Breeze, MounTainS sO ClEan____tHe Good anD the BAd, the holes iN OuR KnEes, inEviTAblE DemisE__ tHEsE SonGs we WriTe from simple rhYMes. rEaSon you thInK U Exist?,... ThE Ones who DidN't, DoNT, woN't, LOst AnD CaN't laSt__ tHE StRuGGles SurPass wE NEver tURn baCk Ridin' Hard, LiVen' FaST? __

I'd like to meet:



..yeah, check it out...