Fake people irritate me-Don't be fake-Plain and simple.
Sooo...'09 is going to be different for me in every way!I am making changes for the better this year.No negativity aloud, no holding back. And so far my '09 has been GREAT!I figure Im the only one who can make changes for the better in my life and so far It's working out for the best.I pray it continues to move forward.So if your a positive, goal oriented person, you are more than welcome to my profile! If not...You should get that way!I am the Proud Mother of 1.My son is my #1 and alwayz will be!I feel like Im a cool down to earth person,I am kind [at times]. But dont take my kindness for a weakness or your in for a rude awakening!I can be your best friend or your worst enemy,Your choice! Just keep it real and respectful with me, and it will be all good!">
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