Elizabeth Khoury Lattimer profile picture

Elizabeth Khoury Lattimer

About Me

body { background-color:0e184b; background-image:url('http://drift2.com/myspace/starrynight. jpg'); background-attachment: fixed; background-position:top left; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:000000; border-width:7px ; border-style: solid;scrollbar-face-color:848484; scrollbar-highlight-color:404040; scrollbar-3dlight-color:404040; scrollbar-shadow-color:404040; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:404040; scrollbar-arrow-color:404040; scrollbar-track-color:0e184b;"I see in the reaper- a vague figure struggling like a demon in sweltering heat to accomplish his task- I see the image of death, as though humanity were the wheat he cuts... Yet in this death, nothing is sad, it happens in broad daylight with a sun that floods the entire scene with a fine golden light"..., adding "...it i san image of death like the one we hear about in the great book of nature, but what i was seeking was somehting 'almost with a smile'..."

My Interests

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The truth...