All or Nothing.
sleeping, noise, the remix to ignition, the nature of reality, transcending reality, ritual, long sustained tones, cassettes, records, staying inside, nature, weed, walls, drones, kittens, puppies, boobs, butts, repetition, good songs, making ice cream, morton feldmans second string quartet, the old west, the pacific northwest, charlie, music, coffee, food, pills, separatism, my cat, synths, creeping, pre-industial society, soda, endtimes, invironments, benner street, etc...
A doughy girl into the classic minimalists and pills.
"overtones of melancholy, existential angst, foreboding, sombreness, portentousness, momumentality, paralysis, self-importance, humourlessness, and generally an air of passive miserableness."
Dead Man.
Grey Gardens.
Harold and Maude.
Trapped In The Closet.
The Hills.
Breaking Open The Head.
Archaic Techniques Of Ecstacy.
No Sound Is Innocent.
Helter Skelter.
“I have X'd myself from your world.â€