The Churchills band(aka Jericho Jones or Jericho) were an Israeli band that formed a Psychedelic hard rock band sometime in 1965 and put out three sought after classics.The 1968 Cherchilim album has alot of early 60's garage psych sounds,at times sounding a bit like the Doors.The album Junkies,Monkeys and Donkeys came out in 1971.It came out not as the Churchills but as Jericho Jones.Apparently the name Churchills didnt go well with the british press.In 1972 followed an ep with five songs.Simply dropping the "Jones" they went on to be known as Jericho.The Lineup changes in The Churchills were many,and it is divided into four different ensembles from 1965-1973. - Myspace Layouts