I'm a dog, but not like every other dog named Rex or Spike. My name is Mr. Oslo. I come from the land of gracious living a.k.a. Yorba Linda, CA. I seperated from my bitch of a mother and moved out on my own a little before the age of 1. The first roomies didnt work out and thank heavens because I moved out of a cold garage to live with TURBOJUGEND OUTCAST in their sweet mansion. It's pretty rad and I think I get along with everyone even if I do let loose the juice and drop the atom bomb.I live with some pretty sweet roomies. Shout out to El Presidente: Inferno, Death Roe, Jane Dough, Scumbag, Landfil, Sam, Elisa, Angel, and Andy.I've been told im the TJ OUTCAST mascot. I hope to meet as many of these Jugends as possible. Maybe my roomies will let me throw a sweet party soon so I can meet them!