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MaRi MaR®
27 y/o Lady
LiVe iN UNi0N Co JerZe
ORigNally FroM BroOkLyn...
RepPiN ITaly whaT whaT...
CrAzy, SexCii, CoOl
PreTTy BLuNTLaid BAck & DoNt LIke being part of SituatioNs..
i been through alot , & i lost alot to let your opinion get to me, basically i dun give a fcuk.. I DonT ComPete.. TaKe me For WhO i aM ...truth be told for some reason lately i dont have a tolerence for people that are fake..... now when i write this im exspressing it towards the people that i know personally...everyday people...... i've also have been more aware of choices i made in life ..... which takes part of my life, so i made some bad ones but must i sit and pretend they didnt happen?? basically just take it for what it was .... be aware of them and make the right choices bc the wrong ones in the long run will ponder thru your subconscience .... realization leads into acceptence.... so be real to youself it makes life so much easier..... Death is Not the greaTest loSs in life , the gReatest loSs iZ what dieZ insiDe us wHile wE liVe thats deep!!!.