Doordanium profile picture


It happens to lots of guys

About Me

I'm engineer of sound

My Interests

•Long walks off short piers.
•Wearing my happy pants.
•Taking pictures of myself peeing.
•Sending people pictures of myself peeing.
•Talking to friends about pee pics.
•Getting naked and doing the naked wiener dance.
•Regretting things when you are a bit more sober.

I'd like to meet:

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I like almost anything. Sing in tune. Play in tune. Drum in time. It is really that easy. Oh yeah... and don't be smooth jazz. Because that shit isn't really jazz, it's crap.


Anything funny, serious, and not on Lifetime.


Mmmm... digital cable. It's good.


Secrets, Demian, Illusions, Tales of the City, Barrel Fever


Voltron. Defending the universe from not wearing pants.

My Blog

The math nerd in me

So I figured out that I have been alive for 10,078 days. And I am bummed that I missed celebrating 10,000 days. Which came on Saturday of Punk Rock Bowling. Wait maybe I didn't need to try and part...
Posted by Doordanium on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 02:10:00 PST

Vacuum Mail Collection

Golden Gate and BakerKearny and GreenVan Ness and Sacremento...
Posted by Doordanium on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 12:45:00 PST

Sobriety... mmmmmmm

I made it. I did 30 days sober. It was very hard with bands coming through and some touring engineer would want to do shots. Or visiting family I haven't seen in a while. Or try hanging until 6am ...
Posted by Doordanium on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 09:08:00 PST

Art I did in college

This was the picture I used for a flier for an art show I did in college. It makes me sooooo happy. I found these pictures in a photo album at a junk store. They were too awsome to not try and hu...
Posted by Doordanium on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 02:52:00 PST

Facial Hair is funny lookin' on me

It was a mistake I made in college. It was really funny. I grew it a bit longer too. I used to twirl the ends of it in wax. All of my guy friends said it was cool. Trina was the only girl who tho...
Posted by Doordanium on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:02:00 PST