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Born in N.C. I hit the road early in life. After living in Norfork Va. and Va. Beach I found myself in Baltimore Md. Being young and untamed I headed south along the east coast to live in both N.C. and Va. again before leaving the scene and making a giant leap to Miami Beach, Fl. where I lived on South Beach for a year and I mean on the beach working at the Fountain Blue Hotel only as much as absolutely nessary.Bored or desperate,Im not sure which, I headed west to Houston Tx. where I met my beautiful wife Sherry. A free spirit seemingly caged, she was as adventurous as I was. We bolted out of Houston and ended up in Memphis Tenn. Sliding southward, we ended up in Horn Lake, Miss. where we settled down for a while. After many transfers back and forth to Houston Tx, we ended up in Mammoth Spring, Ar. where we bought our home and have been remodeling it for the past 8 years as we travel this new journey which has led us to the present experience with you . Being a seller on EBAY Auctions for the past 10 years has been our dream in progress and now we have met you, we are complete and have found our direction which ended our search for our path. We have found our way to the freedom from bondage of close mindedness and past teachings of fear and judgmental persecution based on being different is bad. Being different is good. We enjoy you and all your inclusive exceptance of,"We have the right to believe as we wish and do as we wish as long as noone be hurt by our actions."