This is a quote from a website. "The original tough guy band. See where alot of today's bands get thier influence from. 10 songs (remixed and mastered) plus live tracks and new artwork. This is a rare and hard to find cd so be sure to order more then one. Fans of Hatebreed , Sworn Enemy, Full Blown Chaos"
Currently the members of this band have other projects in the making.
Zack, Chris and Puda are in AGENTS OF MAN which feature ex-members of ONE 4 ONE, COLD AS LIFE, SWORN ENEMY, TRAIN OF THOUGHT check them out here: AGENTS OF MAN. Mike has HOMICIDAL which feature members of ONE 4 ONE, 25 TA LIFE, NJ BLOODINE, TRAIN OF THOUGHT check them out here: HOMICIDAL.
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