I only one one thing out of life.... simply to be happy. I don't need a lot of toys, or a lot money, (I wouldn't mind, but I don't need it). I just want the simple things to make me happy, i want to have friends that care about me and are there when I need them, I want to care about them and be there when they need me. Basically, i want friends to be part of my family. Speaking of family, i want a bigger one, I want fall in love with someone who is my best friend and loves me, I want to get married have babies and live in a nice house, have a dog and maybe even a picket fence... well maybe... I'd love to be a stay at home dad, but understand that with the prices of todays housing market that I probably need to work, :) I have already made the decision that I don't exactly like to work, but do it because it makes lets enjoy life, I put in my 40 hours and want to spend the rest of my time it spend time with friends/family and enjoying the nice things, going on vacations, sushi dinners, going to the beach, or Disneyland or fun/relaxing places. I guess it's nice to buy a few toys here and there too...
Other things about me, I like cold weather better than hot weather. It's always easier put on a sweater when you're cold than find a way to cool off when it's 110°, sides cold weather makes girls want to snuggle up on a couch.
Apparently I'm growing up, signs include: listening to KPCC/NPR on the radio, actually wanting to clean my house on a regular basis, wanting to go to the gym, actively wanting to save some money, actually caring about my retirement and putting money away for it, etc...Signs I'm not grown up yet, not cleaning my house enough, letting it get messy, being lazy, still not cleaning my garage, wasting money and stupid little thing, leaving a couch sitting on my back patio for 7 months and counting, having beer in my refrigerator's crisper, I still enjoy watching cartoons, etc...