FEAR OF THE KNOWN profile picture


About Me

NewMusicSA is proud to present their 2nd Unyazi festival, Fear of the Known, a festival of “extreme listening.” Curated by James Webb, co-produced by Pro Helvetia Cape Town and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and supported by the Goethe Institute, Institut Français d'Afrique du Sud, the Embassy of France, the Danish Arts Council, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the National Arts Council, SAMRO Endowment for the National Arts, UNISA Music Foundation, the International Library of African Music, and the Nederlands Fonds voor Podiumkunsten, the festival will be hosted at the University of Cape Town on the 12th of March, the University of Stellenbosch on the 14th and 15th of March and at the University of the Witwatersrand on the 16th of March
[Lecture] Tuesday 11th, 13h00, Lecture Theatre of the Stellenbosch University Visual Art Department, Stellenbosch: To Be Confirmed Price: Free
[Concert] Wednesday 12th, 21h00, The Assembly, Cape Town: Lawrence English (AUS), The POW Ensemble (NL), Warrick Sony (ZA), Jako Maron (FR) & Automat (FR) Price: R80 (R50 Student Discount)
[Lecture] Thursday 13th, 13h00, Lecture Theatre of the Stellenbosch University Visual Art Department, Stellenbosch: Marc Behrens (DE) Price: Free
[Lecture] Friday 14th, 13h00, Lecture Theatre of the Stellenbosch University Visual Art Department, Stellenbosch: Jason Kahn (CH) Price: Free
[Concert] Friday 14th, 19h30, The Endler Hall, Stellenbosch: The Kemus Ensemble (ZA), Eric LaCasa (FR), The POW Ensemble (NL), Philip Samartzis (AUS), Sudden Infant (CH) Price: R100
[Conference] Saturday 15th, 10h00, Jannasch Hall, Stellenbosch: Carine Zaayman (ZA), Julian Jonker (ZA), Lawrence English (AUS), Philip Samartzis (AUS), Stacy Hardy (ZA), Willem Boshoff (ZA) Price: Free
[Concert] Saturday 15th, 14h00, Fismer Hall, Stellenbosch: Ulrich Süsse (DE/ZA) & Patrick Bebelaar (DE), Mark Schreiber (DE/ZA), Ensemble Je Ne Comprends Pas (ZA) Price: R50
[Concert] Saturday 15th, 19h30, The Endler Hall, Stellenbosch: Marc Behrens (DE), Righard Kapp (ZA), Asmus Tietchens (DE), Jason Kahn (CH), Eric LaCasa (FR) & Philip Samartzis (AUS) Price: R100
[Concert] Sunday 16th, 19h30, WITS Theatre, Johannesburg: James Webb (ZA), Lawrence English (AUS), Marc Behrens (DE), Asmus Tietchens (DE), Eric LaCasa (FR) & Philip Samartzis (AUS), Sudden Infant (CH) Price: R100
[Lecture] Monday 17th, 13h00, WITS Digital Arts Seminar Room, Johannesburg: Marc Behrens (DE) Price: Free
Book through www.webtickets.co.za/unyazi

My Interests


Member Since: 25/01/2008
Band Members: Automat (FR)
Asmus Tietchens (DE)
Brandon LaBelle (USA)
Brendon Bussy (ZA)
Brendon Bussy
Carine Zaayman (ZA)
Ensemble Je Ne Comprends Pas (ZA)
Eric LaCasa (FR)
Garth Erasmus (ZA)
Jako Maron (FR)
James Sey (ZA)
James Webb (ZA) Jason Kahn (CH)
Julian Jonker (ZA)
Lawrence English (AUS)
Philip Samartzis (AUS)
The POW Ensemble (NL)
Marc Behrens (DE) Mark Schreiber (DE)
Righard Kapp (ZA)
Stacy Hardy (ZA) Sudden Infant (CH)
The Kemus Ensemble (ZA) Theo Herbst (ZA) Ulrich Süsse (DE/ZA)
Warrick Sony (ZA)
Type of Label: Major

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