We’re back!The Sand Canyon Review is back! With a new attitude, look and a fresh take on the literary magazine, that you won't find anywhere else! Except here at The Sand Canyon Review.The third edition of The Sand Canyon Review is out! Stay tuned for more about the exciting new fourth edition of The Sand Canyon Review - that'll be sure to turn heads.We are pleased to announce that work is already starting for the fourth edition of The Sand Canyon Review. Don't be afraid to show us your work!Submit to
[email protected] with “SCR Submission†in the headerYou can follow our journey at these websites
https://twitter.com/CHCSCR-The Sand Canyon Review StaffMore about The Sand Canyon Review:The Sand Canyon Review (SCR) is an annual literary magazine published by the students of Crafton Hills College and the English Department of Crafton Hills College. Our goal is to provide a magazine full of great literature and artwork.If you have any short stories, poems, photography, or artwork of any kind; feel free to submit your work to us. Send over your work via email at
[email protected], with the subject header, SCR submissions.Submission Rules & Regulations:-Deadline for the 2011 edition of The Sand Canyon Review is February 25, 2011.-Name, address & phone number of the submitter must appear on the work submitted.-Any pen name must be included within submission.-Include the type of work submitted: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Photography, or Art.-Please include a bio of 50 words and some interesting facts about yourself.-Written work may be no more than 10 pages in length.-Written submissions must be in black, 12 point, Times New Roman font with 1’’ margins.-All artwork is limited to 3 entries per person.-Art and photography submissions must be in .jpeg format with at least 300 dpi or of a high-resolution nature.-Poetry must be limited to 40 lines.-All work must be original and unpublished.-Work may also be submitted to Ryan Bartlett’s box in building SSA and must include a self-addresses stamped envelope if work is to be returned to the submitter.-Submissions are open to all who wish to submit their work for potential publication in The Sand Canyon Review.-The Sand Canyon Review reserves the right to refuse publication of any works submitted, for only the finest submissions will be accepted for publication as chosen by the staff of The Sand Canyon Review.-The Sand Canyon Review is a literary and art magazine published each spring. The content is generated by students of Crafton Hills College, as well as other artists and authors who chose to contribute. The magazine is published by the Literary Magazine Production class with assistance from the Crafton Hills English Department.Opinions and ideas expressed in The Sand Canyon Review are those of the artists and authors. The Sand Canyon Review and its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the students of Crafton Hills College, its administration, or staff.All rights revert solely to the artists and authors upon publication.