All the people in mental and drug rehabilitation- like i was ...
All the people who think they have it going on, living in the gossip, cheating, and dishonour of this day and age- like i was
All the people addicted and tied up by drugs, material possessions, alcohol, pornography, lust, jealousy, and love of money- like i was ...
All the people who, because of feeling no purpose, for feeling alone and unimportant; live wanting to commit suicide- like i was ...
All the people pushing through each day hating the way they are, hating the way their life is because of problems in family and inside their hearts- like i was ...
All the people who think their buddha statue will get them through, that dreamcatcher will give us peace of mind, and their life is meant to be half empty like it is- like i was
... After they lay it all down before Jesus, simply believing and trusting in Him, with everything they've got ... like i did.
So i can hear the testimonies of the Awesome Might and Power of the Love and Grace and Authority of the One Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 11:28-29 "Come to me all you who are weary and burdended and i will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for i am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."