right.....wrong! little things in life count for alot.
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Traveling(love to move), Snow Boarding, my job, diving, climbing, lazy movie watching days(every now and then), PT, Surfing, listening to SAMMY BOY's stories of what I am missing in ABQ, beach parties, interesting people, new experiences(even if they suck).........just adventure. and then some "boring stuff" like investing, history, politics etc.
Lots of people!! I love it.
FUCK fake people!! and thier bullshit!!! don't say shit unless you mean it!!
listen to what i like!
Fuck stereotypes and stupid ass people who are more into the look of something then what that something is really about. That goes for all things not just music............and FUCK shoes!!!!
Right now........ Lincoln(still not done),sleeping with the devil, ghost wars.....