rosie posie bobosie! profile picture

rosie posie bobosie!

rosie the friendly neighborhood dinosaur. :D

About Me

okai. summer homework officially sucks. lollipops. x] but it's okai, cuz ms. dahm's wedding's coming up! oh yeah, and we win (ha ha) = supa catchy~ ;D
Name: rosie f.
Birthday: 10/26/91
Birthplace: wuhan, china
Current Location: castro valley
Eye Color: plain plain brown xD
Hair Color: black! but not for long, yay
Height: around 5' 5-ish x3
Right Handed or Left Handed: right-handed, lol
Your Heritage: chinese. x}
The Shoes You Wore Today: converses!
Your Weakness: good food! i'm a sucker for good food. xD
Your Fears: haha, lots of stuff
Your Perfect Pizza: pepperoni! and bacon. 8D
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: lol, i made the badminton team. XD umm, i wanna meet new people and become a better friend. =]
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: xD & lol.
Thoughts First Waking Up: *sob sob* darnit, i'm gonna be ten minutes late again. XD
Your Best Physical Feature: i dunnooo... TAT
Your Bedtime: haha haha, it's like 1am now. xD
Your Most Missed Memory: watching cartoons in the afternoons without homework to do. D:
Pepsi or Coke: coke, cuz pepsi's too sweet. =x
MacDonalds or Burger King: macdonalds!
Single or Group Dates: doesn't matter, as long as everyone's having fun. (:
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i dunno... i like brisk. x]
Chocolate or Vanilla: both, though i lean toward the vanilla side. xD
Cappuccino or Coffee: frappucino. with lots of whipped cream!
Do you Smoke: oh yeah, i sure smoke a lot. -!sarcasm-
Do you Swear: nope... or do i? :O
Do you Sing: i sing badly at the top of my lungs when i'm alone. ;D
Do you Shower Daily: haaaaii~
Have you Been in Love: possibly? :O
Do you want to go to College: haaaaiii~
Do you want to get Married: sure, why not? xD
Do you believe in yourself: most of the time. :]
Do you get Motion Sickness: on rollercoasters. D:
Do you think you are Attractive: umm... i dunno. 8D
Are you a Health Freak: a little bit, haha
Do you get along with your Parents: yup. very well.
Do you like Thunderstorms: haaaii~ they're cool
Do you play an Instrument: violin and piano. :D
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: nope. wouldn't want to get drunk and do something stupid. Dx
In the past month have you Smoked: refer to above question where i answered that i don't smoke at all. x]
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nothing besides air. xD
In the past month have you gone on a Date: neh. -.-;
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: haaiii~
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: ewww, oreos. =c
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: mm... sushi. not the raw fish though. just the california rolls. 8]
In the past month have you been on Stage: yupyup, and we have spaghetti feed coming up too!
In the past month have you been Dumped: haha, nope!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: rawrgh, i've never gone skinny dipping, lol.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nopes!
Ever been Drunk: wow, these questions just repeat themselves, huh. -_-;
Ever been called a Tease: haha, nah.
Ever been Beaten up: fortunately, no. and hopefully i won't be. x)
Ever Shoplifted: when i was a little girl... but never again. _In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: i really don't mind, haha.
Favourite Hair Color: umm, black? -;;
Short or Long Hair: mediumish but on the short side. xD
Height: hopefully taller than me, lol.
Weight: normal weight. :D
Best Clothing Style: an outfit that looks good. ;]
Number of Drugs I have taken: zero. zip. nada.
Number of CDs I own: haha, 10? xD
Number of Piercings: none, lol.
Number of Tattoos: ze-ro!
Number of things in my Past I Regret: pshaw, i gave up on that. x3

OkAy...this is micheLLe talking for the LOVELY rosie. she's hELlaaa smart and the best friend you could ever have. i can always count on her to be there for me whenever i'm upset or having a bad day. she's my BSET FRIEND and i hexxa love her. her birthday's october 26 so make sure you sing really loud for her and get her A LOT of balloons. ^_^ she loves shopping AlMoSt as much as me. =D she's really really nice so you wanna be her friend. she's so helpful to anyone aNd everyone. we have so much fun just hanging out or doing whatever. did i mention that i love her cuz i do

My Interests

la la la, well, i happen to like thinking, reading, talking, being happy, friends, education!, manga, anime, hgtv, peppermint bark, cake, great food, writing, cartoon network!, nickelodeon, and doodling mindlessly. FWEE. :D

I'd like to meet:

happy happy people. xD


hmmzers... i like anything that sounds good! i listen to a lot of alternative and techno and rock and jpop. x] i have pretty much everything though. 8D




cartoons. what else can i say? XD


abarat, hehe. that was an awesome book. xD


yuffie kisaragi. xD nice people, my family and my friends! :3