I Might Be Wrong profile picture

I Might Be Wrong

Sail to the Moon

About Me

I like to look like I have no clue what is going on.

My Interests

Yo. I am Ryan. I am a first born sun that cares not for which sign I am. Most people say I am pretty fun and easy going but I hate saying stuff like that since it kinda makes it seem like you are talking yourself up. But people do say that sometimes. I am sure others would be like, you dude, that fucker is dead meat. But who knows. I am fairly tall, but not super. 6'3 almost and I also am pretty big, so I weigh like 215, not really fat or anything, but not super toned either. I can't grow facial hair but latley have developed chest hair. That kinda pisses me off. I coach a highschool ski team and there are sophmores that can grow sideburns and i can't. Oh well. I look pretty young so it is all good. I love the sun, except at night. Then I really like the moon. I love art even though I don't participate much in its development. If you are going to take anything from this, you should deffinatly listen to the Flaming Lips. They are bitchin. Have fun!

p.s. Ryan likes to read star wars book while he takes a poop. -Ashley :D

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I love Ashley. november 3rd 2005 forever.


the arcade fire//the strokes//radiohead//stars//straylight run//my chemical romance//the blood brothers//atmosphere//gorillaz//wilco//the postal service//deathcab for cutie//the anniversary//the only children//nobuo umatsa//massive attack//hooverphonic//garbage//morcheeba//toadies//yeah yeah yeahs//the smashing pumpkins//zwan//the killers//keane//stephen malkmus and the jiks//the beta band//the white stripes//the flaming lips//bjork//the hives//queens of the stone age//audioslave//exploding plastix//oceania//depeche mode//moby//jj72//del//modest mouse//the pixies//porno for pyros//13 & god//interpol//the delgados//sage francis//mr bungle//coldplay//q and not u//the shins//Bright eyes//electric six//the faint//frou frou//guster//the polyphonic spree//mates of state//mae//sigur ros//the vines//why?//


Fight Club//hero//beath to smoochy//the little princess//kill bill v1&2//pulp fiction//the beach//romeo and juliet//dead poets society//spiderman 2//anger management//troy//eurotrip//the last samurai//the time machine//the mexican//the girl next door//mean girls//the original star wars//snatch//the good girl//office space//insomnia//seven//kalifornia//true romance//the chronicles of riddick//pitch black//the way of the gun//the gladiator//training day//batman and robin//enemy of the state//the game//hedwig and the angry inch//the matrix(not the fucking sequels)//brokedown palace//the new peter pan//pirates of the carribean//the adventures in babysitting//the salton sea//the spartan//the negotiator//planet of the apes//I


Don't Watch it.


sunshine//the bean trees//the lord of the rings//harry potter//fight club//choke//


Ninjas and Counterstrike junkies.