Coming from nowhere and spreading everywhere, The laundry is a initiative that will be having monthly music events with the most representative dj’s of the local and international scene. Altough minimal and techno are the main styles in which The Laundry feel represented, this brand-new initiative boasts of no fearing new trends to come, or new ways of looking at things, as to offer new real value to the clubbers.While the laundry is giving its first steps yet, not so whoever is behind it. Rafa Kaena, musician and promoter with a number of sucesful projects going on in Spain ensures a promising party to come. Madzmusic, the most acclaimed couple of dj’s of the Shoreditch scene will be adding up to The Laundry as residents. Besides, a numerous group of promoters with extensive experience in the elecronic music scene will take over the promotions, in order to provide the best possible experience.Being music and atmosphere our main concerns we hope The Laundry delivers some fresh air to the scene, a no-frills, relaxed and enjoyable understanding of what clubbing is all about…dance and fun.