All the Fine Arts, Great Films, Stupid Movies, Cooking, Travel, Singing, Reading, good mysteries, Learning cool stuff, laughing, looking at the stars
Jesus Christ, Shakespeare, my future family, my ancestors, The Founding Fathers, Robert Zemeckis, J.K. Rowling, Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, Tim Burton,Tina Fey, ....tons of other people. Oh, as well as anyone who's looking for a good Production Designer...
I'm pretty eclectic: rock, classic rock, country, top 40,blues, musicals, classical....most anything except gangsta rap. I don't need to hear about you smackin' a ho cause she played you.
SOOOOOOOOOOOO many it would be impossible to name them all, but here are a few: Tombstone, The Bourne Series, The Mummy and Part Two (REALLY Excited about Part 3!) The Harry Potter Movies, All things Classic Disney Animation, Meet the Robinsons, Face Off, The American President, Under the Tuscan Sun, Far and Away, Fight Club, Seven, Kiss the Girls, Gone Baby Gone, Juno, Boondock Saints, Movies based on Comic Books, and the list goes on forever and the party never ends......
tons and tons of TV....NCIS, CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, Psych, The Closer, Men in Trees, The Big Bang Theory, Chuck, October Road....
The Bible--because it's timeless, sociologically brilliant, and always relevant. The classics-Jane Austin, old poets, new poets, Arthurian Legends, Fairy Tales of ALL kinds, anything by Nora Roberts, Vince Flynn, Political intrigue and Conspiracy Theories (to laugh) Harry Potter Series, and books on poetry or art and architecture. I really love children's books and adventure stories.
My mother, Eleanor Roosevelt, The Pioneers, Anyone who has ever served in the US Military in any capacity, Children who DON'T grow up and blame their parents, and anyone who marches to their own drummer. Foster Parents, Nurses, Therapists, Cops, Firemen, TEACHERS, ministers, public servants...people who put in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay and in the doing, increase the quality of life for those around them.