As OF noW i'M enJoyinG lifE. NoT rushing in to aNyThInG, JuSt TaKinG EaCh SteP of ThE waY As IT comES. OnE stEp Of THE wAY waS FinDinG sOmEone To CaLL mY lovE. In WHIcH I FoUlD SomEonE ThAt FiLLeD ThAT sPoT iN mY hEaRT. It'S hArD to TrusT AnyOne,EvEN thE onE's U bEEn KnowinG. ThaT's WhY i Ride jUsT FAmIlY. If U WAnT To kNoW MoRe jUSt HIT me Up On dA spAce.
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