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[ Copy this | Start New | Full Size ] My soul is my own, I am the master of my destiny, and I alone will chose my fate. I do not regret the past, nor the choices I have made, to do so would be to deny who I am today.
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[ Copy this | Start New | Full Size ] My friends are important to me and nothing expresses ones thoughts and ideals bettter than ones choice in art, so here are a few of my fav's.I also use quite abit of abstract art to induce deeper meditative states of conciousness, most of it is digital, or fractal, I find that artwork like this helps me focus my mind into finer points of power aswell. Try it yourself, feel free to use these.I am by all rights a self professed Necromancer, this term usually throws most people into a heretical tailspin, either from Conservative Catholics, to even people within my own Faith ie...(The pagan community), I searched online for a proper definition of this art Magicke to not only stop the confusion of method, but also the dark myths surrounding it.The best I've found so far is a arcticle by Leilah Wendell, which I will reproduce here.Stop me if you've heard this one. "Necromancy is a dark and dangerous practice so make sure that you stand in your magic circle to protect yourself from evil spirits." Puhlease! Don't tell me that some people still buy into that antique mumbo jumbo. Although, with the advent of the internet, we have immediate access to all types of "information", and when one does an innocent search for a topic, one never knows if the information procured is unbiased and accurate, or simply the by-product of dis-informed minds seeking to perpetuate fear mostly due to sheer ignorance. Case in point, Necromancy, a simple little word that commands a whole gamut of hyperbole. Oh, the sites you'll see! Now folks, I'm not someone who publicly enjoys bitching and moaning (that often), but everyone has that one niggling thing that just sticks in their craw enough to yell ouch outloud.Folks, it's time to put away all the bad old books inspired by christain fear, intolerance, ignorance and dogma bias and open yourselves to a purer, unconditional level of consciousness. Necromantic practice is aligned with neither the 'right' nor the 'left' hand path. It is simply an acute attunement to what I like to call, the "death energy", an affiliation and natural affinity some people have for the current of transition. It is a fact that some people just feel more at home among the dead rather than the living. Most of the historical information on necromancy is so heavily steeped in the christain religion that such "staples" of the craft like The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish and The Grand Grimoire by A.E Waite, the Malleus Maleficarum and anything by Eliphas Levi, while fun reading as a teenager, are no longer a viable nor accurate view of necromancy in today's world where many belief pantheons overlap to create the multi-cultural society we live in. The world is a big, diverse place no longer bounded by the harsh constraints that produced these types of fear-inspired texts. It amazes me that there are several sites out there purporting to be 'lefthand path" necromancy that simply reiterate the same old christian based texts as their "Grimoires".True necromancy, or what I prefer to call Necromantic Practice can only be achieved when all elements of fear are eradicated. Necromantic Practice does not involve dominance and servitude. In other words, the spirits of the dead, or of Death Itself, are not at the magician's beck and call, nor will they, nor "He" do your "bidding". It is only the arrogant soul that believes this. One cannot "conjure" nor "command" spirits.In earlier times, Necromantic rituals were often elaborately ghoulish, and irreverently brutal. Because of this, Necromancy (or divination through the dead) was considered a "black" art. Something engaged in only by practitioners of "sinister magic". True Necromantic workings, however, do not involve using brutality, desecration of the dead, or any other practice that one would consider the antithesis of reverence. Such methods are the trappings of fear and ignorance. We do not seek to have the dead tell us our futures, nor to call souls back from that distant realm to do our bidding. In High Necromantic practice, the cadaver is simply a consecrated catalyst - an empty chalice, if you will, that we will attempt to fill with a potent spirit. It is the host body. The death house is not violated, nor is the host. All elements are treated with the love and sacrosanctity a true magician must have if he or she ever hopes to succeed in contacting and sharing consciousness with non-corporeal entities.Necromantic rituals are neither "black" nor "white" magic. They are rites of twilight, a merging of dark and light in a beautiful and natural union where all dividing lines become a blur. Black and white are simply sides of the same coin of Truth. There is no balance of one without the other. Everything in the universe must have its balancing factor, or there would be no universe at all. There is great beauty and divinity in the darkness, though fear of the unknown keeps many from looking. If you have an open heart and are pure of spirit, you may be graced by the presence of spirits, but only when one is humbled by Love and perforce of Faith will one be ready to receive their message and appreciate the visitation for what it is. Contact with spirits, whether the spirits of the dead, or "higher" entities entails responsibility. It is not a game to be engaged in for egocentric purposes. You can play in your magic circle until one day you are mature enough to realize that no circle is necessary, nor can such trappings of man contain any energies outside of our realm.Many people believe that if they 'raise' the dead, that they can tell one's future because spirits are not bounded by time and space as we know it. However, if a spirit has something vital to impart to you, IT will call upon you, not vice-versa. The dead have better things to do and a higher purpose to serve than to be someone's personal, on-call seer. Necromantic pratice entails respect and reverence not only for the spirits of the dead, but for the spirit of Death, Itself. So, if you are sincerely seeking to engage in necromancy, ask yourself this-How willing a lover would you be to Death?I would like to further add by saying, that necromancy is a necessary part of any spiritual community, we are the ones who can be crucile to the process of guiding lost spirits into the light, as an alternative to exorcisms, or banishments.Also with such practices as Exorcisms, or Banishments. I assure you that these rituals send these poor souls to a far worse place than any imagination of hell can grasp.Furthernmore as someone who has helped many a lost spirit to pass naturally, A proper Necromancer, with proper intent, can be a very useful part of the Pagan community.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Aliester Crowley, Aristotle, Da Vinci, and many other great minds who no longer bless humanity with their wisdom. I recently revamped the Magnis Majere profile to give more privacy to those who want to use the Palanthas Chat rooms, No the rooms have been moved to my Profile page, of which there is no one on except Conclave members, family and relatives, this will give all using the chatrooms the privacy they desire, I and the people that use the chatrooms are the only ones who can see the contents of these conversations. The links can be found under the Majere's Links Blog, see ya there ;)
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My Blog

Magnis's last trick.

Well it was an eye opening adventure I enbarked on last night, this past situation would seem to be an adendum to my previous auto-biography, The strange dreams, shadowy apparitions, and attacks upon ...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 12:30:00 GMT

Dream Walking

Last evening I was drawn as always into the spirit realm, yet this time it was to a house in the middle of a old graveyard. There was a young boy who apparently was creating quite a stir of malevolent...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 08:26:00 GMT

Who haunts tourist attractions?

I mean freak'in seriously, give me a fuck'in break huh? Have you ever noticed that the most haunted oooooo, places also happen to be tourist attractions, such as Inns, hotels, castles, jailhouses, and...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 08:36:00 GMT

Portal Activity

PORTALS, DOORWAYS & MYSTERY SPOTSThis type of haunting, or paranormal phenomena, is the most controversial type of haunting that has been documented to date by paranormal researchers. The idea that th...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 07:59:00 GMT

Majere's Thesis on Perspectives of Creationism.

First of all I must apologize to anyone who witnessed my chatroom blowout on this subject, Now that I have sufficiently calmed down enough, I give the right of opinion to anyone, Meaning any has a rig...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 13:29:00 GMT

Shadow People

I hastily added this to my profile under my blog section in order to save it's content before having to leave, for a court case that I was not quite sure what the out come was going to be. Now though ...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Feb 2009 09:43:00 GMT

My Life, My Soul, My Will be done.

Through a myriad of tests, and trials my Life has been. Honestly Trials or Tests they areof my own making, I do not seek the finger of blame. I am, and have become who I am today because of the choice...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 10:52:00 GMT

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Petagram.

I am going to provide Two examples of this, First will be the method I commonly use according to the Order of the Golden Dawn, the second will be the more widely used Wiccan Version, Both are Applicab...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 10:44:00 GMT

The Tree of Life And Qabbalistic Associations.

Qabbalah - Kabbalah Tree of LifeKabbalah is an interpretation (exegesis, hermeneutic) key, "soul" of the Torah (Hebrew Bible), or the religious mystical system of Judaism claiming an insight into div...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 10:25:00 GMT

The Laws of Magic.

The Laws of Magic The saying that magic is not what it seems may be more prevalent today than in the past. Today when ones hears the word magic one often thinks of the tall, slender, dark haired gentl...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 09:59:00 GMT