MichelF profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Un résidant du quadrant alpha de la Voie Lactée, en un sens, un observateur galactique.
A resident of alpha quadrant of the Milky Way, in a sense a galactic observer.
Actuellement, je suis terrien, américain francophone, un québécois!
Presently, I am a Terran, a french american, a quebeker!
J'écris des critiques de musique sur/I wrote musical reviews at:
(you could send demos directly to me at: Michel Fortier UQAR, 300 allée des Ursulines, Rimouski, PQ, Canada, G5L 3A1)
Je suis aussi professeur d'université en éthique des affaires à l'Université du Québec à Rimouski. Donc résident d'un génial «small town» province de Québec (Canada). Air pur, calme et nature...
I am a Business Ethics professor at the University of Quebec Rimouski. I live in a wonderful «petite ville» of the province of Quebec (Canada). Fresh air, calm and mother nature...
Professionally, I'm doing research on the relations between ethics and aesthetics in organization theory from a complexity perspective (Edgar Morin). I'm also interested in ecology applied to management sciences.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Every body, except minds that hate! More precisely people who share interests with me i.e. try to better what we could around us and have a lifestyle which is human friendly and ecological. This MySpace is mainly for my interest in music. My other life interests may need another MySpace some day...I don't want to mix politics and ethics with what I do here, I'm not ready...

My Blog

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