Adam (dead) profile picture

Adam (dead)


About Me

my name is ADAM...
i live in jupiter Fl.
i play music.
i like to read.
i like to color.
if we where all colorless the world would end. i hate boring things.
i like doing things myself.
i like folk punk.
i hate it when people unnessisarly exploit themselves or others just to make money.
i talk way too much shit, and i find myslef freindless, but i am trying to work on that.
i am an angry person, but i am angry for a good reason...
my musicspace is We fell in love in the wreckage, shouted out songs in the uproar, danced joyfully in the heaviest shackles they could forge; we smuggled our stories through the gauntlets of silence, starvation, and subjugation, to bring them back to life again and again as bombs and beating hearts; we built castles in the sky from the ruins of hell on earth. Accepting no constraints from without, we countenanced none within ourselves, either, and found that the world opened before us like the petals of a rose."THE GREATEST BULWARK OF CAPITALISM IS MILITARISM . THE VERY MOMENT THE LATTER IS UNDERMINDED , CAPITALISM WILL TOTTER."-Emma Goldman'The State is not something which can be destroyed by a revolution, but is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of human behaviour; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently.-Gustav Landauer

My Interests

Anarchist youth, folk punk, guitar, crimthinc, Food Not Bombs. Anti-McDonalds flyers. anti-war demonstrations.atheism


I'd like to meet:

i want to meet somone... some one who will help make this world a better place to live, and will tear down the buildings and shopping malls, and the stores, and the police dept. and somone who will stand up in a world where everyone is sitting down, we will put an end to this fashon show people call the media, where skinny is healthy and thin is fat, and obestiy is a commenplace because people dont do anything but sleep and eat... the realization that the goverment is just an oppressing force, the big brothers of america, who listen to your conversations and need to know what books you check out from the library... and i wanna meet people who are fighting to break free from the leashes they have us on, like dogs, trying to reach the peice of steak we can only see, but the chain is too short to reach... when the borders are broken down and there are no lines on the map... then we will be free.make it look like we dropped some bombs


Definace,ohio. ghost mice. bright eyes. this bike is a pipe bomb. matty pop chart. SMUT. evil robot us... The fallen. ONE REASON.


TV feeds you nothingness dont eat it


i read sooo much i dont have the energy to post all the books i love.


my heros are the people who fight capitalims everyday, one moment at a time.

My Blog

The last entry

this is the last blog from Baltimore.i leave this lovely city around 300pm headed for Atlanta and a plane to take me we went to Fells Point. Aunt Carrie almost died trying to drive us.she i...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 06:39:00 PST

baltimore 4

today is the 5th day i have spent here.we whent to DC today, and saw the museums, the hirshorn was the best.modern contemporary art.totally cool!DC rocked. afterwords we whent to dinner in Ellicot cit...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:57:00 PST

Baltimore issue 2

ok, so its been 3 and a half days now, we whent hiking in this crazy state park, and swam in the lake. jumping off rocks and such.yesterday i whent to the Barnes and Nobles up here, and got "VEGAN WIT...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 08:40:00 PST

the Baltimore issue 1.

I had a extreeme need to get out of the state of i got my ass on to a plane at 600am to leave for ATL (that means i got up at 300am)1rst flight: sucked, the asshole i sat next to kept bumping m...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 08:04:00 PST

pot vrs cigarettes

ok. cigarettes have carbon monoxcide in produce carbon monoxcide.people can kill them selves by sitting in their garages with the car on.why?because they inhale carbon monoxcide.pot although...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 02:01:00 PST

school is out... the window

every morning i wake up, and i feel the same. like i am somehow living the same sad moments over and over and over. and life never really changes.   summer is approaching once again, and i know i...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:59:00 PST

the straight edge movement (thats right)

if you are straight edge, you are choosing to never use drugs alcohol, smoke anything, and have casual sex.... so i have a question for the staight edge kid who cheats on his girlfriend, or the straig...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 05:08:00 PST

acting work

Trash King   Adam Barksdale             Sidewalk Man: "Everything used to be so perfect. Not perfect like white picket fences, Beaver Cleaver, 1950's happy famil...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 03:48:00 PST

we are....all memory and flesh

we are all people, sadly enough, i know many of us wish we where more, wish we where so much more.   but what makes up people, chemically i the brain what is it in ourselves that makes us love, h...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 10:06:00 PST

i just got..

i just got.. the shit kicked out of me...... my brother whent crazy ... he beat me up pretty bad.... im really dizzy... and i m shaking pretty bad... i have a small cut on my lip... but nothing c...
Posted by Adam (dead) on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 09:23:00 PST