ABOUT ME: I'm a child of the 1950s who grew up with the Main Point just a train ride away. Conestoga '71. Got to play at Philly Folk when I was just about to ship out with the US Coast Guard. Thanks to the USCG, I've played in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Kodiak, Alaska, among other places.
Not always folk, I been a rocker and, few know, a lead baritone in several musical theater productions (how's that for contrast?). Got my music degree at West Chester during the disco era. I was manager of the Valley Forge Music Fair from 1980-1984, career changes, children, etc...
I rejoined the singer-songwriter community in the mid-nineties. I am most proud of my years at the Doghouse Coffeehouse, where we produced a 5-episode TV program, "Open Mike Night", for local cable. During and following the Doghouse years, I was honored to play in some fine places, The Point, Lansdowne Folk Club, The Mermaid, Steelcity, and others, both as a feature and opener for Lucy Kaplansky, Phil Roy, Chuck Brodsky, John Flynn... then life kinda turned upside-down for a while...
Three years ago I ventured into a side project: The Rivers Rockabilly Trio . It really took off and, as much as I love what we're doing, it kinda put everything else I did musically on a back burner. Then, not long ago, I went to see my old friend Al Bien and play with the gang at the Arts Scene Hootenanny. It made me remember, and I really got a hankerin' to play my songs again. Well, it's all about balance, isn't it? Wish me luck!