Oh jeremy where do i begin. We've been friends since 10th grade, but it seems like its been sooo much longer. We've had some crazy ass times, and i know were gonna stay close forever. I can tell you anything and everything and your alwayyyys here for me no matter what. You put up with all of my drama and shit and yet you never get tired of me. Your such a special person to me and i hope you never ever leave my life. I love you so much baby and you are literally the best friend anyone could ask for! -Love your sweetie, Devin ♥Amanda Francis Larue ha i love making fun of your middle name....but anyways you are like the big sister that i never had even though your shorter than me :P ha. We have had a lot of fun over the last year and lots of memories, like getting drunk a lot, you making fun of me getting drunk every weekend, we have also went through some bad times like whenever you almost died that one night, but i was there by your side the whole time besides like 1 min whenever i had to keep making sure christian wasnt drowning in his throw up and it was really hard because i was drunk too... I always come to you first whenever i need advice or whenever i am sad and crying, you always know how to cheer me up and you try and help me out as much as u can. We get mad at each other a lot but that usually only lasts like 5 mins at the most. We see each other like everyday, u basically live with me now. We are best friends but we are more like brother and sister more than anything, we would kill someone for each other and i am 100% sure that we are going to stay like this for a long time. I love you big sister!!! :)Bree Marie Larue what can i say about you? Well we have been friends for almost two years now and we have had a lot of fun together. I have held you when you cried and we have had a lot of memories. I miss you a lot and it sucks that you dont live here anymore. I hope you come down here soon so i can see you again. Love you bree!!! :)