Annie Anomaly profile picture

Annie Anomaly

I am here for Friends

About Me

A tragic demonstration of brazen insubordination, by indigenous insurgents, belligerents, degenerates. Imagine my bewilderment at the conspicuous dismemberment of all that I had believed, at how we all had been deceived.It was an unfathomable catastrophe. There were things no one should ever see. Arrests were made arbitrarily, evacuations made mandatory, indefinite detentions, unsolvable killings, relentless, unexplained physical attacks, gout, goiters, plague, anthrax, new and unconventional threats, simultaneously secretive & violent events.Something is wrong, oh very, very wrong here - the chaotic nature of the soured atmosphere. We have found ourselves participants in their nightmare.Oh what have they done? There is no fun to this draconian crackdown. And what will you do when they come for you? please write me

My Interests

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