Congratulations to Belinda Kae for winning our first ever Spotlight competition...!See the pics.
If you're a new artist that's unsigned or someone who loves new music, please have a listen.
1305 1332 1413 MWDABFreeview 725www. premier. org. ukSky Digital 0123Virgin Media 968
To Send us your music....
1.Please send your music in CD format.
2.Please include any pertinent information including your group name, track titles, names of members, bio, background, successes and any contact info.
Our address is:
22 Chapter Street
London SW1P 4NP
United Kingdom5. No Attachments.
Please keep in mind that we are very limited in staff, so do not expect immediate feedback. We will contact those whom we are excited about. Bear in mind that as long as you believe in what you do, you need to keep at it whether we "get it" or not.