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Sarah the Great

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

I am getting old. Kind of. I have a real life job, and live in a real life house, and paying real life rent without any sort of support from my parents for the first time ever. It's kind of scary, kind of satisfying, kind of mid-20s, which I suppose in the end works out.
About me ... there's not too much to say that's not already listed to the left. I like to read, I'm hot on a knitting kick -- I have over 17 miles of yarn sitting in baskets in my closet. Most of that yarn was purchased in the last year or so. I have it catalogued. Don't look at me like that. Cataloguing keeps me organized. Really. Stop that!
Since I work the graveyard shift as an editor at a press-release wire service, I have a lot of daytime free time. I sleep mornings, which isn't anything unusual for me, and have the distinct pleasure of enjoying the daylight hours during which most people are stuck at the office, slaving away. True, my schedule makes having a late-night social life during the week not practical, but I have my Friday and Saturday nights, and I can always do dinner with friends. They just can't do breakfast or lunch with me, the bastards.
I'll write something more exciting soon, I'm sure. I mean, I am a writer ... at least, I used to be. We'll see if I can work my way back to being that.

My Interests

music, movies, sex, sleep, food, newspapers, writing, reading, the English language, linguistics, knitting and some crocheting

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with great taste in music (in other words ... MY taste in music) and who likes to hang out and try new things and stuff. Someone to go with me to local shows? That would be nice.


The favorites: Trashcan Sinatras, Kent, Mew, the Smiths, Jellyfish, Judybats, Shack, Gene, Keane, Sigur Ros, REM. I actually have a fairly eclectic taste in music, influenced mostly by the different types of people I've hung out with over the years. In my collection, you'll find a range of music from BritPop to a little bit of British Invasion (parent-influenced, of course) to grunge (hey, I came of age in the 90s, so sue me) to local folk rock to pop-punk to French Celtic rock to 80s pop to modern indie. I've also been known to enjoy country, electronica, house, techno, classical, street music, religious chants, gospel, jazz, blues ... I have a friend currently trying to introduce me to the finer points of heavy metal. I try to appreciate the singer-songwriter as much as possible. I also have a secret guilty weakness for Kelly Clarkson, but shhh! don't tell anyone.


I usually like sappy movies (not TOO sappy, though), foreign films (esp. East Asian films -- Kurosawa, Stephen Chau, and so on), and drama. Action films are all right, but not great.


TV? What's that?


Usually fantasy and sci-fi, but I also like historical fiction, and am getting more and more into current events stuff. Tad Williams, Robin Hobb, Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy are my favorite writers.



My Blog

Going Commando

Being low on quarters, it's been a couple weeks since I had a chance to do laundry. Hence, my stock of comfortable underwear (panties that will not give me a wedgie or bind my fattened buttocks) is d...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Thu, 22 May 2008 07:18:00 PST

NYC Trip Update

So, after hearing back from my friend whose friend cannot get me a deal on a hotel room, I went ahead and booked a place for the 11 nights I'm going to be in NY. The problem: the place I wanted, tha...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:47:00 PST

American Grafitti <i>[sic]</i>

A couple pieces of "urban poetry art" down the street from my apartment that make me think, "Gee, maybe we shouldn't teach hoi polloi how to write."A better question would be, "When does my spray pain...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Thu, 15 May 2008 07:32:00 PST

It Lifts and Separates!

Yesterday as I was leaving my apartment for my ceramics class I found a box in the lobby with my name in it. Inside: three bottles of wine. When I was roadtripping through the Santa Maria Valley ba...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 07:20:00 PST

Chili Farts Are Worth It

Okay, so I've been quiet lately. Sorry about that, those of you (that one of you?) who noticed. But I've been busy with things that either may not be wise to talk about or things that at least aren'...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 08:27:00 PST

Shattered Dreams, and More Self-Pimping

I was right in the middle of a fabulous dream about getting it on with a French exchange student (I was helping him figure out an exercise in a basic French textbook ... don’t ask me why he was ...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 03:25:00 PST

24 Hours Phoneless

For someone who saw cell phones as a completely unnecessary luxury just nine years ago (wow, it’s been nine whole years? Crappity), suddenly being without one is almost as bad as losing my righ...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 03:44:00 PST

Two Bottles of Wine, Mostly Empty

Can that be a metaphor for my vacation? Maybe not ... my vacation was satisfying, if uneventful.I realize that while vacations that involve adventures and debauchery are amusing and great for bloggin...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:06:00 PST

Old Gray Hairy Pussy Action

I am posting from someone else's house, on someone else's computer. I spent the morning in his bed and now I'm wearing his towel on my head post-shower. And I get to play with his pussy.Yes, cat-sit...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 01:51:00 PST

Settling or, The Other-Corner Store

My mind's been on a lot of late, but I never seem to have the time or inclination to write about it when I'm actually in front of a computer. But here are a few things I'm thinking about, for the gen...
Posted by Sarah the Great on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:00:00 PST