Profile edited with CricketSoda's Myspace Editor
Beatlocker is a Web site created for musicians and people in the music industry by musicians and people in the music industry, not by some software developers in a fancy office.
At Beatlocker, we combine three of the most important elements for success in today’s music industry for our customers; a dynamic personalized storefront where you can sell music, merchandise and products, SoundScan reporting and music licensing opportunities.
- You keep 85% of all sales.
- We report to Soundscan weekly.
- We report venue sales.
- We report street sales.
Each time an artist registers a song to be sold on, which also functions as an online music and merchandise retail outlet, they have a chance to offer any or all of their songs up for licensing. If they do choose to license their song, BeatLocker will broker a deal between the artist and licensing agent, and provide the legal contract to make sure the artist is protected in the deal. In each deal, the artist will keep 85% of the final contract, far above industry standards.
Once a song is licensed, the artists can not only reap monetary benefits, but will be exposed to a wide variety of audiences. Making licensing accessible to all artists is just another way is revolutionizing the music sales and marketing world.
Additionally, we have a promo code giveaway program which allows you to give out a promo code (example Song01) on printed cards and online. The fan enters the code at our site for a free download and you receive a sales credit reported to Soundscan. Sales are based on the amount of downloads you receive. A substantial amount of downloads would most likely be enough to chart your song into billboard.
You can contact me, Gari Kovacevic, by replying to this message, at [email protected] or call me directly at 602-919-7711 with any questions or concerns.
Gari Kovacevic
Beatlocker Music LLC