My name's Katherine Elizabeth Nicholson.
I love Kierran Johnson more now than ever before. He's awesome :)
I have my Best Friends, who mean the most to me anyone ever has.
I can't go a day with music. I love it. It's not my life, as most people say, but I do love music.
I wish i could drive, I really do.
I always have to walk everywhere or pay for the bus, whereas other people can drive round doing what they like.
I’m sick of being healthy, give me a car!
My hair is SHOCKING.
I'm not as obsessed with it as i used to be,
but i'm still pretty obsessed.
I have seven piercings and two tattoos.
i want moooooreee!
Basically, that's all I can come up with for the time being.
but if you want to know anything else, just add me on msn and you can get to know me :)
i love you so much, but do me a favour baby don't reply, cos i can dish it out, but i can't take it...