Member Since: 23/01/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: current roster YoUnG GEEzY (Guangueto) AND NONO AND Sketch and Young stylz, and El traviasoassosiations - jr., young tech ( kila kalvin),yancy, randell (blem blem),larry,lester,d-breezy,preevious ASSOSIATIONslinda,~$G$~,luis,ROB AND MEL,JOKA SMILEZ,MEL,KRISTAN, de la cruz, anthony,
Influences:land marks -
10,000 views = 03/26/08"JUANGUETO FREESTLE CUTS" / total plays 777 = 04/02/2008"likeAstarBLENDIIIGUANGUETOIII" / totla plays 728 = 04/02/200820,000 total plays = 04/05/2008"MoNeY On My MiNd" / total plays 2006 = 04/06/2008"Late night plumberJuAnGuEtO" / total plays 4363 = 04/08/200830,000 total plays = 04/09/0820, veiws = 04/14/0840,000 total plays = 04/16/08ripped da rhymer diss to nono 6,234 plays = 10/29/08juan da bitch 6,036 plays = 10/29/08i aint ya man 739 playsdis sum g shit 9,880hector the fat man 6,668money on my mind remix 12,438
Type of Label: Indie