About Me
..You don't stop laughing because you grow old,
You grow old because you stop laughing!!The most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek...
I used to have Demons, in my room at night; Desire... Despair... So many Monsters...
We are all crazy kids that have grown up fucked up, some more sorted than others.(Anee)
"Nu conceals Had because He is everywhere in the Infinite, and She manifests Him for the same reason . . . Every individual manifests the whole; and the whole conceals every individual. The soul interprets the universe; and the universe veils the soul. Nature understands herself by becoming self-conscious in her units; and the consciousness loses its sense of separateness by dissolution in Her." Be careful when making yourself invisible,lest you succeed only in making yourself ridiculous...
Bigger, Brighter and Whiter than Snow... "Only users lose drugs"...If two raindrops run down a window and meet, what is one plus one? Before the beginning of great brilliance, there must be Chaos. Before a brilliant person begins something great, they must look foolish to the crowd. - I Ching “What would you do if you were omnipotent?†“I would probably kill myself.†“No, I said OMNIPOTENT.†“Oh, I am really sorry to hear that.â€
On the run, to the outside of everything...Okay, everybody in this room who's telekinetic, raise my hand. ALL FANATICS MUST DIE! Premature Illumination...In the face of so much sanity day by day I consider it my solemn duty to be as mad as I can fukin manage (Mr_Miskatonic)...Whatever you do, DO NOT read between the lines...Consider green lakes And the idiocy of clocks...Conceptualisation is the Art and You are the Artist...Pigs Ears...I would rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy...Tonight, I walked to the garbage can outside, in it I placed a £5.00 note, this saves me the trouble of going to the shops to buy bread and milk that I will never consume... A deliberate and easy plan, it's a way forward, so, next time you pass my house, just drop the cash in the can and I will be sure to see it is disposed of accordingly...Onwards and Upwards... Deliberate Freudians... Never trust anyone that can bleed for a whole week and still live...Bones of contention...People that offer you a challenge and then quickly run away and hide their head in the sand, they make me laugh :D You know your friends, they are the ones that are there even when they are having a bad day... I salvage myself in perversions and wine, Consumed and depraved by the bondage of time, In lust I redeem all my yearnings and needs. Let’s murder in nightmares of pleasures besieged..... Deep piercing eyes and 'China Doll' looks, a temperament of fire that begs to be broken...Why do we always desire that which is unobtainable? Because if it is obtainable then it is no longer desireable...GIVE THE BONELESS GIRL A FLOOR TO LAND ON FOR FUCK SAKE!!!!!!Give me too much affection and I will reflect your imperfection...The pursuit of happiness can be lost in the quest of finding it, take it easy mate, dont burn yourself out...Together we are invincable, Sometimes, there are just not enough rocks...Were you born to resist or to be abused?...BOOM SHANKA!!!!! May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman...The storm has abated, the rain and wind has gone, the grey sky has turned blue and the birds are singing again (macro) >251106< Making that vital reconnection to the Goddess Mind...I am tired, I am weary, I could sleep for a thousand years... A thousand dreams, that would awake me... bbrrrrrriiing.....What happens when the intoxication of success has evaporated? The recurring problems of Self Importance...Warm Cucumber... The height of excitement and the depths of depression...If you're being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little see-saw, then jump through a hoop of fire. They're trained for that. Are friends electric? DO WHAT THOU WILT... Shall be the whole of the law... The total and utter interconnectedness of all things... Why is it that when you piss into the pan, it doesn't get any fuller? The Meaning of Life? It ends :D I slept with Faith & found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank & danced all night with Doubt & found her a virgin in the morning...(Crowley- Book of Lies) Life aint about avoiding the storms, its about being able to dance in the rain...If you never try you will never know, When you Love someone you should let them go... 'I am your slice of life' I like anything that is a bit mad or off the cuff, if you get my drift... If it feels good do it, if it dont feel good then do it anyway just so you can scare yourself... People come and people go, such is life, ebb and flow...Smiling the day away and basquing in the hot sunshine, Everything is eventual, The inevitable is inevitable...I like peeing into swimming pools, from the side... Cecil! B Dismissed, Kings of Oblivion, Putting my back on the arch, I drink to remember, and that is why I will never forget the day I lost my memory... That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die, Hanging out with The Moon Boys, The Bewlay Brothers, Are the words "Pain Killer" not a contradiction in terms?... The Economy of Life, Pre Transmental Illuminessence...Peripheral Vision, Rapture Imprints, Veritable Plethora's. Fly Agaric Mushrooms and Tulips from Amsterdam...Bodhichitta, Second chances, Second guesses, Never abuse a dwarf with learning difficulties, It aint big and it aint clever... Convictions cause convicts, Whatever you believe imprisons you, Principia Discordia, Dirty Pretty Things, crazy people, Body Electric, Butterfly Effect, Young Ones, Chaos Theories, Illuminism, Microcosm Macrocosm, exploration, space, time, going off on tangents, sometimes on bicycles, Tantra, Mind Bending Narcotics, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Hello Lucy :D Watching the sun set but knowing in fact it is doing nothing of the kind but that I am standing on a rock that is tumbling wildly out of control, hurtling through space and time, and yet strangley keeping all things synchronised ..."Black Interests"! Cheeky grins, All Seeing Eyes, The Knowing nods that I get from people who dont know me, Wild Staring Eyes, strong urges to fly, having nowhere to fly to, The Interweb, connections, broken links, Dark eyed Albinos, Big Hair, Extacy, Reggae Music, Raves, AAlcohol, I Ching, Yin Yang, Koyaanisqatsi, Mind games, You can only go half way into the darkest forest, then you are coming out the other side, Head Fucks, Credit Cards, Preminitions, Having deja vu and Amnesia at the same time, Having deja vu and Amnesia at the same time, Having deja vu and Amnesia at the same time, Burning Benches, Not burning bridges, Meetings of Minds, Terra Projection, not being able to believe in what you see, but being able to see what you dont beleive. Being the product of a collision of History, Genetics and Accident...Nothing...And on other days, it just rains....